
11400 Doctrine Of Man (Level 1)

Speaker: Dr. Renald Showers

Description: Dr. Renald Showers teaches six lessons on the Doctrine of Man. These lessons explore man's creation, his formation in the image of God, his original sin, his corrupted flesh, his fallen conscience and his relations with God in eternity.

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There are 6 lessons in this course.

Lesson 1

Confused about the origin of mankind? The biblical account of man and its practical implications are discussed in this lesson.

Lesson 2

What does it mean that man was made in God’s image? This lesson covers the image of God and how it applies to mankind.

Lesson 3

This lesson looks at the relationship of Regeneration to the image of God in mankind and its significance. As we grow in the Lord, does that affect the image of God within us?

Lesson 4

How and when does each human soul originate? This lesson explores the biblical account of the origin of the individual soul.

Lesson 5

This lesson continues looking at how human souls are created from our parents. The teacher also shows the implications this has against abortion.

Lesson 6

This lesson covers the future of mankind, including the eternal state of believers.

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