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Good News Memory Verse

Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
— John 14:23

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Our Listeners Say It Best

A listener’s daughter called to let us know her mother had passed away in December, just after Christmas. She shared how grateful they were for the comfort of BBN during those hard times…music, programming, Bible teaching. Thanks!

I found a BBN ITL (Invitation To Listen) card a few years ago and began listening to the station out of curiosity. It wasn’t that important to me at first, but I kept listening. After a few months of listening I realized that I had been sinning in every way and needed a savior. I asked Jesus to save me, and thanks to God’s mercy and infinite love, I am saved. My family and I now praise and thank the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, for using the ministry of BBN to change our lives. May the Lord continue to bless you greatly.

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