
01100 The Bible, from God to Us (Level 0)

Speaker: Dr. Richard Strauss

Description: What did God do to get His words to us? There are some key words and truths that must be considered and established to help one determine if the Bible is truly a Divine book, sent from God to us. Some critical doctrines included in this 6 lesson study are: Revelation (How did God reveal His words and thoughts to the writers?), Inspiration (How the authors came to have their book in whole and the very words of God communicated to them.), Inerrancy (The Bible has no errors.), Illumination (This has to do with how man comes to understand the spiritual truths of God's words.), and Interpretation (How one comes to understand God's originally intended message.) You will also discover the best way to get the most out of your Bible reading. Dr. Richard Strauss is the teacher of this course and was a Pastor (in Alabama and California) and a much sought after Bible conference speaker. He is now home with the Lord.

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There are 6 lessons in this course.

Lesson 1

This lesson will lead you to be able to accurately answer the following important questions and can totally revolutionize your appreciation for the Bible. How did God go about revealing His thoughts and truths to man? What evidence do we have that the Bible is God's words to us? Why do we call the Bible by that name?

Lesson 2

The truths that guide our thinking in how God went about conveying His thoughts to the writers of Scripture is called "Inspiration." Is the Bible as a whole Divinely inspired? Is every part of Scripture equally inspired? Is every individual word Divinely inspired?

Lesson 3

Is everything in the Bible true? How could God use sinful men to write a Bible with no errors? A key word in the Doctrine of Scripture is “Inerrancy.” This lesson addresses these great truths.

Lesson 4

This lesson teaches how God enables humans to comprehend Divine truth. This is the doctrine of "Illumination." What is the Holy Spirit's role in teaching us? What actions do we need to personally take to help ourselves better understand the Bible?

Lesson 5

How can you learn to correctly interpret Scripture? It is true there is only one correct interpretation for every passage of Scripture, but, many applications. There are rules to guide accurate interpretation. What are some of these? You will learn this and much more in Lesson 5.

Lesson 6

In lesson 6 Dr. Strauss gives helpful instruction on how to read the Bible so that you will more enjoy reading it and so that you can learn more from your reading. What is the advantage we have in reading the Bible that no other author can give us?

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