Bennett Roberts
I never imagined being able to serve the Lord in radio, especially as an announcer. I grew up in sunny Pensacola, FL, near another Christian radio station. I grew up going to Bible-preaching church and a Christian school. By the time I was seven years old, I’d known of salvation, but had not yet accepted Christ as my Savior. My mother explained to me that just because everyone else in my family was going to heaven; that didn’t mean I was. I needed to make my own decision, and that night in the car on the way to church on a Sunday night, I received Jesus.
Throughout my time in school, I participated in baseball and basketball, playing the violin, and singing in my high school choir. It quickly became clear how difficult it was to be proficient in all those disciplines as well as academics. Still, I enjoyed being a part of various extracurricular events.
My Senior year of high school was cut short due to the familiar pandemic known as Covid-19, and, like everyone else, I was stuck at home. With the next chapter of life approaching, and the panic of the world spreading–I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do with my life. Then, God led me to study Vocal Performance at Pensacola Christian College. The shy and introverted guy was going to learn how to sing and use that gift for the Lord.
College opened many opportunities to serve the Lord. I traveled with a team of college students for two summers. We ministered in churches and schools across the country. I met many great friends, and my amazing wife.
During my last semester of college I searched for an opportunity to teach music but no doors opened. Around the same time, I learned about an opportunity to serve the Lord at BBN through a friend. Since joining the team at BBN, God continues to lead my wife and me as we settle in a new place with a new ministry.
The staff here at BBN have really been a blessing to me, and it is my hope that God continues to use this ministry to be a blessing to every listener. I look forward to speaking to, encouraging, and growing alongside so many people by way of BBN.