Mike Dize
It’s ironic that someone who doesn’t like public speaking spends so much time talking to so many people. But such is the marvel of radio. As I sit alone in front of a microphone, I can reach many folks who often are listening alone. Radio allows us to come into your homes and cars and become a trusted part of your lives. We thank you for that.
I was born in Greeneville, Tennessee, but spent most of my early years in Indiana. My parents faithfully took us to church, but we were taught that church alone was not enough. At church camp one year I was burdened with doubt about my spiritual condition. I prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my Savior. I knew that being a “good boy” would never be enough when it came to spiritual matters. I could never be good enough to get myself to Heaven in my own strength.
I began working in radio as a teenager, stumbling through interviews on a local 50,000-watt radio station in Fort Wayne, Indiana. They didn’t make me leave, so I kept going with this strange and marvelous thing called radio. I was privileged to work at two other radio stations in Indiana and Tennessee and later received a degree in broadcasting at Tennessee Temple University.
Now, through BBN, I am part of a ministry that presents a message of hope, forgiveness, and spiritual strength in Jesus Christ. Some of my favorite moments here at BBN come as I play children’s music and even put up with a little Bogus on Saturday mornings.