Entries by BBN

The idols are different but the results are the same

“The idols are different but the results are the same.” The “worship wars” are beating the drums throughout the church today. This isn’t new. Repeatedly in the Old Testament God judged His people for false worship. Exodus 32 says they were punished for both worshipping a false god and worshipping God falsely. In John 4, […]

Is Contemporary Christian Music A Cultural Thing?

Before there can be a discussion about whether or not anything belongs to a particular culture, we must come to an understanding of what culture is. According to Webster’s Dictionary, culture comes from the Latin cultura or the French colere and means “to cultivate” or “the characteristic features and values of a civilization or group […]

Contemporary or Contaminated

Today’s Church Music Scene: Contemporary or Contaminated During graduate school, my Music Theory professor made this statement: “What you hear today in the music of the world, you will hear in the church within twenty years.” Think about that statement as you listen to the music in local churches today. More importantly, think about the […]

What Is Faith Promise giving?

The Christian life is not made up of keeping laws to obtain salvation. We are told that we are not saved by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy. The Galatians were asked, “This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, […]

Who is responsible for the education of my children?

In Deuteronomy, Chapter 6, we find God giving to Israel the greatest commandment. The first three verses give the primary responsibility of man toward his God, the duty to love the Lord with his entire being. This is followed by the commandment to teach this to the next generation. The Jews call this passage the […]

Grandparents involvement in child rearing

Often I will pick up the counseling phone and hear something like, “I am upset with the way my daughter (or son) is raising my grandchildren. What should I do?” Of course, this question and brief statement must be followed up with a good many details in order for me to know what advice to […]

Keeping love alive in marriage

Since our occupations can take one fourth of our week, or one third of each week day, without figuring overtime or that part time work, it must be reckoned within our effort to keep love in the home. I feel that there are certain signs that will help us keep the love fire burning brightly […]

Dealing with family and marital problems

We have received a number of counseling calls and letters on the subject of the family and marital relationships. It is surprising how many families are experiencing difficulty in one area or another. Some are having financial problems, communication problems, or other types of trouble. It is amazing how many families do not have a […]

Family revival

The family is the first unit that God created, right after He created Adam, and well before government or even church. It is logical that revival must move from the personal to the family level. The ones we live with on a daily basis know us best and will sense what is happening in our […]